Friday, September 13, 2013

alaska by water

The second half of our trip was spent in, on, and all around the beautiful waters of Alaska. First we went to Whittier to go on an all-day trip with the family-owned and operated Lazy Otter Charters. With completely tailored trips offered, and a family that lives in Whittier year-round, it is the perfect company to go with if you want to get out on the beautiful Alaskan water into Prince William Sound.

We headed out, flying by waterfalls and glaciers, to watch some of the many salmon fishers doing their difficult and tiring work.

Out we headed, past the loud, smelly, angsty islands of sea lions...

 ...past the puffins, and past a 10 minute show by the dall porpoise (which look just like mini killer whales) dancing in the water to stay near the pressure of the bow (you can see a video of them here, but note that it's not mine, as I was too excited to get a good video). 

We ended at a quiet spot with changing tides to eat our sandwiches with eagles flying overhead, before heading out kayaking with some playful otters.

Next, we found a private island and hopped off to enjoy some cookies, skipping rocks, and illegally swimming in the 40degree water...

After a long day, we headed back to land to go out to dinner at Seven Glaciers (which I'll show you tomorrow).

 The next day we all headed out to Cooper Landing for an all-day horseback riding tour of the area (begrudgingly for T).


Our final day on the water was spent salmon fishing on the Upper Kenai Pennisula...where I caught zero salmon but I did catch a 5lb rainbow trout!

Luckily, we caught some salmon, and our guide was nice enough to freshly grill some up right on the boat! Sadly, I'll never be able to eat non-fresh salmon again, because I have been absolutely spoiled by the fresh-out-of-the-water salmon which tasted nothing like the salmon I had ever had before. Now, all salmon tastes fishy to me, even the non-fishy ones, which is really too bad!

After our long day on another boat, we headed back to rest, driving by eagles, and this massive moose that decided it was a good time to cross the road. Why did the moose cross the road? I think he was just trying to get to the other side...heh heh heh.

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