Wednesday, May 29, 2013

turkey shepherd's pie

T has been asking for shepherd's pie for about a year now, but I've always been hesitant as I'm not the biggest fan of mixing meats, especially with lamb. I also just haven't really been in an "I-really-want-the-heaviest-meal-possible-right-now" kind of a mood, ya know? I decided to take on this shepherd's pie, but with healthy twists, of course. I swapped the mixed meats for lean ground turkey, made my mashed potatoes with skim milk and a light butter, and added as many vegetables as possible to help health-it-up. With a smaller potato-to-meat ratio than normal, it turned out perfectly balanced, delicious, and healthier! Perhaps I'll have to change this name to something more turkey friendly...maybe to farmer's pie?

Ingredients (makes 4 large or 6 medium servings):
5 small red potatoes (or 3 medium russet pototoes)
2 tbs butter
5 green onions
1/2 cup skim milk
3 pinches of shredded cheese of choice
salt & pepper
2 tbs canola oil
1 package of mushrooms, sliced
3 medium carrots, chopped
1/2 cup frozen peas
1 ear of corn, cut off of the cob, or 1/2 cup frozen corn
1 tbs fresh parsley, minced
1 tbs dried thyme
1 tbs garlic powder
1 tbs onion powder
1 lb lean ground turkey
1 glass of red wine
1 glug of Worcestershire sauce
1 cup of chicken stock
2 tbs ketchup
1 tbs flour

1. Start with the smashed potatoes: cover potatoes with cold water in a large pot. Cover and bring to a boil. Once boiling, uncover and let boil for another 15 minutes, until easily pierced with a fork. Drain and add butter, green onions, milk, cheese, and plenty of salt & pepper. Smash, smush, and mix to fully blend. Set aside.

2. Heat canola oil over medium-high heat. Add carrots & mushrooms along with another large pinch of salt & pepper. Stir occasionally while letting components cook until beginning to crisp, about 8 minutes.

3. Add peas, corn, parsley, thyme, garlic powder, and onion powder. Stir and cook for 2 minutes.

4. Add turkey, stir and cook until browned, about 6 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 400F.

5. Add wine, stir and cook for 2 minutes. Add chicken stock, ketchup, and flour. Stir and let thicken for about 5 minutes.

6. Lightly grease a baking pan. Pour turkey mixture evenly in the baking pan & top with smashed potatoes. With a silicone spatula, push the potatoes evenly over the top of the turkey mixture, trying to cover every last bit.

7. Pop in preheated oven for 25 minutes, until bubbly, crisped, and golden on the top. Let cool for 5 minutes before spooning portions out.

Note: Although absolutely delicious fresh out of the oven...the leftovers are actually even better after letting all of the flavors meld overnight. Perfect for a lunch or dinner the next day!


  1. I love shepard's pie and have never tried making it because it seems so intimidating of a recipe...This was such a great break-down of the steps and seems so healthy that I might take the plunge one of these weekends! Thanks for this!!

    1. Do it! And let me know how it goes! I bet you already have 98% of these ingredients on hand right now, too!!! It's so good!
