Friday, May 24, 2013

healthy fish n chips

Fish n chips, a classic...a heavy greasy classic. I hate greasy foods, and this is always one dish I avoid with a passion if I see it on any menu. T, on the other hand, has a little celebration every time it is offered. To be a nice girlfriend, I decided to make some fish n chips for him....with a healthy twist of course. Baking the haddock and the fries make the tastes shine, while keeping your waistline slimmer.

Ingredients (makes 4 servings):
3 organic russet potatoes
2 tbs olive oil
salt & pepper
sprinkling of cayenne pepper
1 lb haddock
1 cup corn flakes, crushed
3 tbs butter, melted
1/2 cup nonfat milk 

1. Preheat the oven to 475F. Cut the potatoes into somewhere between wedges and matchsticks, a little bit bigger than you normal idea of french fries. Cover in warm water and let soak for 10 minutes.


2. Line a baking sheet in foil, drizzle with olive oil and a sprinkling of salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper. Dry the potatoes with paper towels, lay them in a single layer on the foil, and shake to coat. Cover with foil, pop in preheated oven for 5 minutes, remove foil, and bake for another 10 minutes. Rotate the pan and bake another 10 minutes. Remove, flip, and bake a final 10 minutes, until golden brown and crisped.

3. Remove fries, cover, and set aside.

4. Preheat oven to 500F and cut haddock into large chunks. Coat fish in the milk before dredging and coating with the crushed corn flakes. 

5. Place on a baking sheet, and drizzle melted butter over the fish. Pop in preheated oven for 15 minutes, until crisped on top.

6. Whip up a quick tartar sauce if you don't have any on hand (recipe here).

7. Remove the fish when done, serve alongside the crispy baked fries, and enjoy!

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